Friday, November 8, 2013

Looking At Online Sites

I have a tendency to spend hours looking at clothes online. Looking at clothes is something I do because clothes are a kind of expression. You put it different items on display a part of yourself and that is why I love clothes. I can put on a flowy dress with a floral headband and show the persona of a bohemian. Dressing in skinny jeans, ironic t-shirts,  and dark-rimmed glass, and people will call me a hipster. Throw on a mini skirt, a tank top with a very low cut and heels, and people will call you slutty. Clothes allow us to be different in every way. When I look at clothing sites online and I see all of  the pieces I can incorporate into my closet. Since I am poor I don't have the funds to buy all of the clothes I want, but I do enjoy looking. While I was looking today I saw a few pieces that would look great on me and in my closet. 

These pants are everything I want in a pair of pants. They are shiny and very flattering, even on women lacking in the derriere (also known as a butt) department. 

2. Envelope Skorts from 2020 Ave: 123
This is a trend I will follow, because I love this look. The flaps create an illusion of a skirt and then when the wearer turns around you see shorts. That is just AMAZING. One of the reasons I want to work in fashion is the creativity the designer display when they make creations like this. I desperately want a skort like this or a pair of skorts. Hmmm. It sounds weird when you write a pair of skorts, like you are writing a pair of shorts. 


P.S. I just got paid today and I know this money will go to one of these items, IF I do not show restraint. Here is to not showing restraint and buying clothes. //Holds up credit card

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